Sun Tzu said that all warfare is based on deception and that is what the globalists and their MSM mouthpieces do vis-a-vis gold. I came upon this editorial almost twenty years ago and about two years after I started acquiring gold and silver. Luckily I was awake enough to realize that this editorial was nothing but the use of deception in the war against the average investor.
and now Central Banks are buying as much as possible. It is of course now a Tier one asset. 🤔
I have made copies of this and given to friends! A great read!
ID Like to interview you on my podcast please email me at mfticpodcast@gmail.com
The Chinese invented paper currency. Prior to paper currency in Europe they used silver and gold coins. This debasement of money will lead to abuse of the rights and privileges of banks and cause the downfall of the global financial system. The return to gold and silver currency is a return to the Tora/Bible standard of what is real currency. The house of cards built on paper currency will collapse as with all human governments and institutions that is apart of from God. The writing is on the wall of the impending financial collapse. Men can't serve two masters. Either he will love the one and hate the other. Mammon represents the global world satanic financial system. Soon as the…
The modern education system is simply a gilded cage to hold all the ignorant people in darkness so their "enlightened" masters who are themselves deceived by Satan can plunder and rob them blind of not only their material riches but also the spiritual riches from God. Modern men is arrogant not willing to learn from the Bible the source of absolute truth. Anyone who understands the Bible is truly enlightened and has come out the satanic world system into the divine system which God originally intended for us.